Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I declare summerbreak unofficially opened!

Test week is finally over, which means we're completely done for this year. The past few month past by so slowly and I don't think I'm the only one who doesn't have any more energy left. Today I had my last test and we also handed in our books. The feeling of summerbreak is coming closer, but I still can't really believe we are done for this year. It's probably partly because of the weather we were having the past couple of weeks. A minimum amount of sunshine and quite some rain. Not really the perfect weather for summer.

Anyway, I'm not going to complain right now. I do not have a legit reason, except for the autumn-like weather. We only need to collect some of our tests, after that we officially have summerbreak. I came across some summer inspiration which I would like to share to get in the right summer-mood. All pictures are from WeHeartIt.


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